Research and Focuses

I am a member of the astronomy and astrophysics research community, where I conduct galaxy formation and evolution research. I also develop tools for creating, processing, and filtering large volumes of data.

At the CUNY Graduate Center, I am researching semi-analytic model (SAM) of galaxy formation and evolution development, where I am contributing to projects involving Sapphire and the Santa Cruz SAM.

I am also involved in Roman Space Telescope (Roman) preperations, where I developed grism simulation pipelines to create synthetic foreground images.

Below are a selection of first and co-author publications that I was involved with. Please consult my CV for a full detailed list.

First-Author Publications

2022, Galaxy Formation in the Santa Cruz semi-analytic model compared with IllustrisTNG -- I.
Galaxy scaling relations, dispersions, and residuals at z=0
MNRAS, 517, 6091
Gabrielpillai, Austen; Somerville, Rachel S.; Genel, Shy; Rodriguez-Gomez, Vicente; Pandya, Viraj; Yung, L. Y. Aaron; Hernquist, Lars arXiv:2111.03077
Galaxy Formation in the Santa Cruz semi-analytic model compared with IllustrisTNG -- II.
Galaxy scaling relation and residual evolution from z = 6 to 0
In Prep
Gabrielpillai, Austen; Somerville, Rachel S.; Genel, Shy; Rodriguez-Gomez, Vicente; Diemer, Benedikt; Pandya, Viraj; Yung, L. Y. Aaron; Hernquist, Lars
Semi-analytic satellites I. -- constraining satellite evolution in CGM co-evolution models In Prep
Gabrielpillai, Austen; Pandya, Viraj; Maller, Ari; Bryan, Greg; Somerville, Rachel S.; Carr, Chris; Fielding, Drummond; Greene, Jenny; Jiang, Fangzhou; Starkenberg, Tjitske; Tonneson, Stephanie; Zhu, Jingyao

Co-Author Publications

2021, Galaxy assembly bias and large-scale distribution: a comparison between IllustrisTNG and a semi-analytic model MNRAS, 508, 698
Hadzhiyska, Boryana; Liu, Sonya; Somerville, Rachel S.; Gabrielpillai, Austen; Bose, Sownak; Eisenstein, Daniel; Hernquist, Lars arXiv:2108.00006
2022, Mangrove: Learning Galaxy Properties from Merger Trees ApJ, 941, 7
Jespersen, Christian Kraugh; Kranmer, Miles; Melchior, Peter; Ho, Shirley; Somerville, Rachel S.; Gabrielpillai, Austen arXiv:2210.13473
2023, Finding Peas in the Early Universe with JWST ApJL, 942, 1
Rhoads, James E.; Wold, Isak G. B.; Harish, Santosh; Kim, Keunho J.; Pharo, John; Malhotra, Sangeeta; Gabrielpillai, Austen; Jiang, Tianxing; Yang, Haun arXiv:2207.13020
2023, Constraining cosmology with machine learning and galaxy clustering:
the new CAMELS‑SAM suite
ApJ, 954, 11
Perez, Lucia A.; Genel, Shy; Somerville, Rachel S.; Villaescusa-Navarro, Francisco; Gabrielpillai, Austen; Angles-Alcazar, Daniel; Wandelt; Benjamin D.; Yung, L. Y. Aaron arXiv:2204.02408
2024, Ly-a at Cosmic Dawn with a Simulated Roman Grism Deep Field AJ, 167, 157
Wold, Isak; Tilvi, Vithal; Malhortra, Sangeeta; Rhoads, James E.; Gabrielpillai, Austen arXiv:2305.01562