Data Releases

Description of data that I have contributed toward creating as part of my research. For access, please contact me unless otherwise noted below.

IllustrisTNG Rockstar & Consistent-Trees Catalogs

Dark matter halo and merger tree catalogs produced by running the Rockstar and Consistent-Trees algorithms on IllustrisTNG-dark volumes for all possible resolutions. Rockstar outputs available as either raw (ASCII) or Subfind-esque (HDF5) outputs. Subfind-esque outputs are compatable with the illustris_python module. Includes bijective halo matches to both dark matter only and hydrodynamic Subfind catalogs.
Citation: Gabrielpillai et. al 2022, 2023a (in prep)

Santa Cruz SAM IllustrisTNG-Dark Runs

Galaxy catalogs created by running the Santa-Cruz Semi-Analytic Model (SC-SAM) on IllustrisTNG Consistent-Tree merger trees. Available only at TNG100-1, TNG300-1, and TNG50-1 resolutions.
Citation: Gabrielpillai et. al 2022, 2023a (in prep)

Roman Synthetic Foreground Images

Synthetic grism images based on the on-board Roman Space Telescope instrument. Consists of 9 detectors at 24 position angles saved as FITS files.
Citation: Gabrielpillai et. al 2023b

IllustrisTNG Multiphase Gas Catalogs

Post-processed neutral hydrogen (HI) and molecular hydrogen (H2) measurements using Dr. Benedikt Diemer's hydrotools with Dr. Adam Stevens' fitting functions as substitute for neutral hydrogen abundance and hydrogen metallicity.
Citation: Gabrielpillai et. al 2023a